Retına Assocıates of Cleveland, one of the premıer retına groups ın the Unıted States, has ımplemented New Vısıon Fundus ınto theır clınıcs.

New Vision Fundus is a retina medical imaging program that captures and archives digital photos of the retina, creates reports and allows images/videos to be transferred to internal or external drives. The integrated, comprehensive platform improves the clinical care provided by eye care professionals, as well as streamlines efficiency. Retina Associates of Cleveland and its […]

The Unıversıty of Mıchıgan Kellogg Eye Center ımproves eye care wıth New Vısıon Fundus.

The University of Michigan Kellogg Eye Center is a nationally recognized center for vision care and research. The eye care team consists of distinguished optometrists, ophthalmologists and researchers that lead the way in the development of new therapies for blinding eye diseases. The New Vision Fundus program facilitates improved eye exams with simple and useful […]

Florıda Retına Instıtute, a celebrated ophthalmology group, leads the way wıth New Vısıon Fundus.

Florida Retina Institute, whose experienced specialists manage and treat a host of complex retinal diseases, have selected to bring on New Vision Fundus to complement their expertise. New Vision Fundus is focused on working with retinal specialists to enhance clinical outcomes and provide the best individual treatment plans for patients. We look forward to our […]

Our Qualıty System Proved Its Conformıty to European Standards wıth ISO 13485 Certıfıcate

URAL Telekom has proved that the medical device software produced in accordance with the 93/42 / EEC Medical Devices Regulation with ISO 13485 certificate “has become a brand in the health sector and its quality is in accordance with European standards”. After the completion of the audit work carried out by Kalitest Certification and Training […]